Your Place in the Sun
How you spend your day matters. Let us take your sun protection seriously, so you can live your day radiantly.

Let South Swim help you enjoy the rays mindfully.

South Swim wants to block YOU. Our fabric is made of ultra-opaque microfibers that filter the sun's rays for a UPF of 50+.

Feel, look, and do good with your suit. UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) is used to measure the effectiveness of sun blockers. Our UPF 50+ blocks 98% of UV radiation from both UVA (skin aging) and UVB (skin burning) rays, significantly reducing your chance of over-exposure and skin cancer.

Sun tip: if you can see light through a fabric, UV rays can get through too. Cover up consciously.

Happy hour! Take it easy midday—lounge in the shade, enjoy a tasty beverage, long lunch, or anything that suits your fancy. 10-4 is when the sun clocks its strongest rays.

Don’t be fooled by clouds or umbrellas. They reduce, but don't block.